
Jenő Szervánszky, painter, Budapest

It was in the summer of 1962 that I met Dr. Géza Kovács, who taught a special class at the Music Academy under the name of "Fitness Training" for music artists and students.

There were some serious cases among the class attendants..

Some of them were even forced to abandon their careers and professions because of occupational injuries. Every one of them recovered in the hands of Dr. Géza Kovács.

It would be impossible to list how many people's lives and livelihoods were saved through that extraordinary ability of his, for which I do not even find a name.

But I do know that while I explained my complaints to him and he looked attentively at me, I felt that he could see into my cells and diagnose my condition with absolute surety; he knew exactly what I had to do in order to be freed from my problems.

There are many musicians in my family, and I myself was playing music for a long time.

I know very well how the proper physical condition is a basic prerequisite for achieving lasting success in the field of music performance.

This is equally applicable for stage presence as it is for obtaining perfect freedom of movement and unfetteredness in complex instrumental playing. The acquisition of these qualities and maintenance of them at a high level is indeed a special art, of which Dr. Géza Kovács was a master.