
Borbála Dobozy, harpsichord recording artist

For eight years I attended the classes of Professor Dr. Géza Kovács, our beloved Uncle Géza. Since then my previous complaints, caused by overpracticing, have completely disappeared. Uncle Géza's classes were not simply gymnastics lessons, but they were also heartwarming opportunities for relaxing, unwinding, and replenishing oneself physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

He composed his inexhaustibly versatile movement exercises based on a well-developed concept, with careful attention to the proportion and amount of taxation.

He knew precisely what the occupational injuries were for each different sphere of musical activity, and he knew unmistakably how to remedy each one. His classes were joyful and seasoned with charming humor, making it easier to complete the sometimes difficult exercises. He counseled us wisely in the resting breaks between exercises.

During these times he would share with us the rich life experiences of one who has lived long and served others much. And he did this across the gamut of generations, for there were grandmothers many times over among us just as there were musical high school students. He not only provided us with a lifetime's worth of guidance with his tremendous knowledge, life experience, deep humanity, and bright personality, but he also embodied for us a life model and a behavioral ideal.