The DirectorDr. Zsuzsa Pásztor Ph.D. director of the Kovács Method professional group. Dr. Zsuzsa Pásztor graduated from the Franz Lisz Acedemy of Music in 1960 as an artist-pianist and teacher. She was the student of Pál Kadosa, the great Hungarian piano professor. After completing the Music Academy, she joined the Kovács Method as a student and and continued to participate in research and practical work at he Professor's side for 40 years. Starting in 1969, she started her own line of research and contributed as a co-author to the development of the Kovács Method. She also continued her professional work as a piano teacher uniterrupted for 40 years. She earned her Ph.D. at the psychological faculty of the Lóránd Eötvös University of Science focusing on the Kovács Method theme. Major areas of research: physical work capacity development program for various age groups, musical movement preparation for instrument playing, development of an aptitude test to measure musical ability, measuring the physical aptitude of wind instrument players and students, application of EKG tests to track the neurological condition of performers. Since 1969, Dr. Pásztor held several hundred courses and lectures together with Dr. Géza Kovács and by herself at the request of the Capital City Pedagogical Institute and other Hungarian musical institutions. Currently she is the teacher of the Kovács Method at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, professor of the Kovács Method postgraduate program at the Lóránd Eötvös University of Science and the leader of the accredited Kovács Method training program for music teachers at the Foundation for Musical Health. |